Saturday, January 4, 2014


For the New Year, pay yourself first! Try a new savings technique: The 52 Week Savings Challenge. Its an easy way to put a little away for the future and get in the habit of saving. By the end of the year you can save about $1300.

Here's how it works: For the next fifty-two weeks (one year) you save a certain dollar amount each week. On week one, you save $1, on week two, you save $2, on week three, you set aside $3, and so on and so on. By the end of the year, if you've put the money in a jelly jar, you will have $1378.00. If you put it in an interest bearing account, you could have a couple thousand dollars tucked away. These are funds you could use to party on New Years 2015... in another city, pay off Christmas holiday bills, open a secured credit card with a large deposit and restore your credit, the possibilities are endless.

For more information, and a chart you can use to record your payments to yourself, read this article on the DigTriad website.

Good Luck and Happy New Year!

Lets Be Careful Out There!

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