Sunday, November 27, 2016


Two of the most important things you can do as an American are 1) vote and 2) travel. One of the ways that many Americans are (were) prevented from doing one or the other is due to lack of a government issued ID. Many Americans are not in possession of a drivers license, non drivers ID or passport due to the cost of paying for these documents... and also the belief that they "don't really need" such documentation.
You will soon need documentation. So will your family.
This Holiday Season, re-route some of those Black Friday/ big screen TV/ holiday booze funds and do some or all of the following:

The passport, drivers ID and non-drivers ID application process all begin with proof of identity/ citizenship, usually your birth certificate. Many people do not have a certified copy of their own birth certificate. "Certified" just means an official copy with the raised seal. Start with the "vital records" office in the city where you were born. You can walk in, but many vital records (birth, death, marriage docs) can be pulled by mail. By mail, it can take up to six weeks. Start now.

Instead of standing on line outside in the cold at a "doorbuster sale." Stand on line indoors in the climate - controlled motor vehicles office and get your state issued ID. Get online the other way (the internet), on your states motor vehicles website, to find out what the requirements are ahead of time.

Many cities have their unpaid parking tickets/ excise tax bills online. Re-route some of that holiday shopping money and avoid the late payment penalties and/or "the boot."

The Passport is like a college degree. Or the gifts given by the Wizard at the end of the Wizard of Oz ((!??!?!)) Its the document that "proves" what you already were inside. There is a lot of paperwork involved and it is relatively expensive. But once you have it, you can use it to verify your identity, your citizenship and to travel outside the country... should you need to leave. The requirements are online at:  If you do not get the expedited passport (for an extra fee), it normally takes about a month for processing. Start now.
Unpaid back child support can cause harm to your family and to yourself in many different ways. If you owe more than $2500, you are also restricted from getting a passport.

If you and your immediate family are in possession of all your citizen/ drivers/ address docs? Hallelu! Now, go forth and help others:
-Help an elderly relative pull their birth certificate.
-Go online a pay someone's parking tickets or excise tax. If you know their last name, license plate, and the municipality where their car is registered, you may be able to pay online. Give the receipt as a Holiday Gift.
-Instead of three ugly sweaters and bottle of scented skin product, give your loved one the funds needed obtain one of these documents. Make an appointment with them to help gather their docs and go with them to the different agencies.

Like a college degree, not having these identifying documents (certified birth certificate, state issued ID, drivers license, proof of paid tickets and car taxes, and your passport) can stop you from moving into... and out of, your own life spaces. Not having that one "little piece of paper" can stop you from moving or moving forward. Life is (already) hard, don't make it harder on yourself by not taking care of your own business. Peace.
And Lets Be Careful Out There.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


For the New Year, pay yourself first! Try a new savings technique: The 52 Week Savings Challenge. Its an easy way to put a little away for the future and get in the habit of saving. By the end of the year you can save about $1300.

Here's how it works: For the next fifty-two weeks (one year) you save a certain dollar amount each week. On week one, you save $1, on week two, you save $2, on week three, you set aside $3, and so on and so on. By the end of the year, if you've put the money in a jelly jar, you will have $1378.00. If you put it in an interest bearing account, you could have a couple thousand dollars tucked away. These are funds you could use to party on New Years 2015... in another city, pay off Christmas holiday bills, open a secured credit card with a large deposit and restore your credit, the possibilities are endless.

For more information, and a chart you can use to record your payments to yourself, read this article on the DigTriad website.

Good Luck and Happy New Year!

Lets Be Careful Out There!

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Growing up, if we were harassed, followed or in any way disrespected while shopping or eating at a restaurant, my mother would make a verbal complaint. If the business' behavior was way out of line, Mommy would sit down when we got home and write one of her 'poison pen' letters, expressing her displeasure. We never returned to that establishment, even if it meant going out of our way to get to similar services elsewhere.

When I got older, I found ways to make even more effective complaints, to the business' corporate offices, the state attorney generals office, various licensing organizations. And following in my mothers footsteps, I had my own personal boycott and stopped patronizing those businesses.

Of course, nowadays, displeasure in customer service can go worldwide instantly by Twitter, Yelp or a FaceBook campaign. But even if you and your friends and family no longer patronize a certain business, does it really count? Does it matter?

Well, according to Kyle Colona, Financial Writer for The Motley Fool website, the reverse does matter. When businesses treat their customers well, the customers are happy, the sales increase and so do the profits. In his article, How Culture Can Drive Returns, Mr. Colona theorizes that a positive corporate reputation creates more revenue for the company. As their revenue increases, the circle completes itself. The company continues its good corporate culture, and keeps the money coming in.

Which means if you are unhappy with the way you are treated in a clothing store, movie theatre, restaurant, hotel, etc., definitely speak to a manager, make a complaint, tell a friend and most importantly, don't spend another dime with that company.

However, if you are happy with a company, were treated well at their establishment, and had a good time, also make your opinions known. Tweet about it. Post a positive review on Yelp. "Like" the company on FaceBook. Grab a manager and shake his hand. Return and bring friends. This positive attention does help the bottom line of good companies, one customer at a time.

So when you hear that Timbs won't market to urban areas, but Tommy Hilfiger hopes everyone buys his clothing, pay attention and shop accordingly. When you read that Home Depot uses sustainable sources for its wood, consider them for your next home improvement project. Or go there to get your keys cut or buy your Christmas tree. When Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks issues a statement on his blog asking people not to bring their guns into his stores, even in 'open carry' states, so that everyone can feel comfortable while sipping their latte, go in there and buy a mug or something. Every little bit does help.

And who knows, your support may help the good companies, those who treat customers with respect and dignity, outearn and outnumber the ones who unfortunately don't understand that the color of money is green.

Let's Be Careful Out There

Monday, September 16, 2013


Payroll Cards are a way for employers to pay their employees electronically by debit card. The employee is able to use the card for purchases without having to cash a paper check. The employee has an option to be paid electronically without opening a bank account

However, there have been recent complaints about the payroll card system. Many of the payroll cards charge fees for cash withdrawals and even for checking balances. These problems have come to the attention of the federal government in the form of a class action lawsuit brought against McDonalds in Pennsylvania this past June.

On September 12th, 2013, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a warning/ bulletin reminding employers of the federal law under the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (the law that covers credit card transactions). Under federal law, employees with payroll cards must be given an option to be paid a different way. If the employee chooses the payroll card, s/he must be notified of all the fees and penalties and must be provided with balance and account information. Additionally, the employee must be afforded limited liability if the card is lost or stolen, or there is an account error, so long as the employee reports the loss, theft or error promptly.

Most of the problems with payroll cards occur in the retail, food and restaurant industries. These industries have many youth workers, low paid workers and workers without bank accounts. When check cashing, balance inquiry and cash withdrawal fees are charged, there are very few funds left for household essentials. You may be getting paid a decent hourly wage. But after the fees are deducted, you may be getting paid the equivalent of minimum wage.

I've written a previous article about why people should consider opening an account at a bank, credit union or internet bank: The B Word: Bank. I also give tips on what to do if you've been prevented from opening an account due to past bounced check issues. However, if you are unable or unwilling to open a bank account, make sure that you make an informed decision about how you receive your pay. Even though I am not in favor of check cashing establishments, these establishments charge a one time fee when you cash your check, as opposed to multiple fees as you use your payroll card. If you do opt to receive your pay through a payroll card, make sure your employer provides you with all the information on fees and penalties so that you can receive as much of your hard earned funds as possible.

Let's Be Careful Out There

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Writing your will. You may be reluctant to do so. Very reluctant. Maybe you don't feel you have enough money or things to fight over after you're gone. Maybe superstition is holding you back, In the back of you mind, you feel that talking about death will bring it about faster. Maybe since you cant take it with you, you're not concerned about it.

However, a will is a very important document for you to draft. This document makes your wishes known, in writing and can be changed by you right up until you pass away. You've heard all the reasons why you shouldn't draft a will. Here are some reasons why you should.

As I mentioned before, a will outlines your wishes in writing. You should also speak to your family directly about your final arrangements. But putting it in writing will shut down misunderstandings, confusion and misdirection between family members after you pass away. You can protect vulnerable, less vocal and underage family members who may not be able to argue and grieve at the same time.

Your will should be drafted with a legal professional and witnessed (signed) by two uninterested parties. You should keep a copy in a safe place, but not anywhere your family will need a court order to open.

Your final funeral arrangements should be kept separately. Your family will have to go through Probate Court to settle your will. But your final arrangements (funeral home, services, burial) must happen much earlier, so instructions on your funeral service should be stored separately.

Also, be sure to include all close family members in your will (children, spouses, etc), even it you don't like them or haven't seen them in a long time. Family members who are completely left out of a will can contest (dispute) the validity of the will, and question your competence when you wrote it. Speak to your legal professional about how to include a mention of long lost or missing close relatives.

When you are leaving real property (house, condo, land), you may want to leave it to as few people as possible. When multiple people each become part owner of a piece of property, it becomes very difficult to sell, renovate or make decisions about the property. Leave your property to one or two good decision makers who you trust will do the right thing with the property.

If you do not make your final wishes known in writing, State law will determine how your property will be distributed. Spouses and children are included, as well as some debtors. Your remaining family members will have to appoint a personal administrator and create an estate document through the Probate Courts before any of your property is distributed. This can take a few months, which may not the most desirable outcome.

If you suffer illness or incapacitation, you may want a trusted family member to speak on your behalf concerning your finances or your medical treatment. There are a few documents that can help in this regard.
Living Will or Health Care Directive
This document outlines what type of health care you would like to receive in certain serious medical situations.
Health Care Proxy
This document gives another person permission to speak for you when you need medical care and are unable to speak for yourself.
Power of Attorney
This document can be used for health related treatment, but its usually used for financial concerns. This document gives another person permission to conduct financial business on your behalf, such as paying your bills, handling your bank accounts, etc. The "power" can begin as soon as you sign the document, or when a certain event occurs (ie, when you become incapacitated)

You can change all of these estate documents right up until you pass away. You are not locked in to anything. You should consult with a legal professional in your state while drafting these documents because the laws are slightly different from state to state. But the general idea is to make your wishes known and to provide clear direction to remaining family members so there is less confusion after you pass away.

Putting your final wishes in writing is very important for the reasons stated above. But make sure you speak to your family and healthcare professionals about your final finances, your health care and your funeral arrangements. Again, you want to avoid any nasty surprises, bullying or hospital room brawls.

There are other ways to distribute your property and assets. Trusts and Insurance policy payments are usually distributed to the beneficiary upon proof of the death of the principal. A certified copy of the death certificate is needed as proof.

But the best way to distribute your property and assets, is to gift it before you pass away. This way, you can see for yourself that the person has received what you intended for them to receive. If you're lucky, you may even be able to experience the gratitude from that friend or family member while you are still on this side.

Let's Be Careful Out There!

Sunday, June 30, 2013


This is a slight departure from my regular topics, although this topic is tangentially related. I want to talk about spending money on something important, namely pulling your own state issued identification paperwork (birth certificate, state ID, passport, etc.). However, I will be discussing this in the context of the recent changes in the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

On June 25th, 2013, the Supreme Court changed the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In the case, Shelby County (Alabama) v. Holder 570 U.S. ___ (2013),the Supreme Court decided that
"Nearly 50 years later, things have changed dramatically. Largely because of the Voting Rights Act, “[v]oter turnout and registration rates” in covered jurisdictions “now approach parity. Blatantly discriminatory evasions of federal decrees are rare. And minority candidates hold office at unprecedented levels.”...The tests and devices that blocked ballot access have been forbidden nationwide for over 40 years. Yet the Act has not eased [Section] 5’s restrictions or narrowed the scope of [Section] 4’s coverage formula along the way. Instead those extraordinary and unprecedented features have been reauthorized as if nothing has changed, and they have grown even stronger. Because [Section] 5 applies only to those jurisdictions singled out by [Section] 4, the Court turns to consider that provision... Section 4’s formula is unconstitutional in light of current conditions..."

The Voting Rights Act was put into place in 1965 to protect Voters Rights in nine southern states where people were being prevented from voting based on their race. These nine states were required, under the Voting Rights Act, to submit their voting processes to a preclearance review by the federal government to ensure that there were no discriminatory hindrance to voting. Shelby County, Alabama sued to have these preclearance restrictions removed. A Supreme Court majority voted to remove them.

In the decision on June 25th 2013, the Supreme Court decided that the Voting Rights Act, is too restrictive (unconstitutional), outdated, and worked so well that voter registration and voter turnout "now approach parity." However, the only reason why it worked so well, is BECAUSE it was kept in place for forty - eight years. Left to their own devices, certain states (ie Texas) would have continued the poll taxes, grandfathering, pre-vote testing and voter harassment right up until the last election cycle. As Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg wrote in her dissent (opinion of a Justice who disagrees with the majority decision), "Throwing out preclearance when it has worked, and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes, is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet."

On the flip side, there are STILL many people of color and poor people who are not registered to vote, don't have a state ID, drivers license or even a certified copy of their own birth certificate. If the pre-1965 gatekeeper restrictions to voting resurface, guess what they will ask to see as proof of citizenship and/or proof of residency? Your people may have been in the US since the 1700s due to slavery, but in this post 9/11, anti-immigrant climate, we all need to be prepared so we can participate in this essential American function: The Vote.

We can/ should lobby to put the protections back in place. Those of us who know, know that we still need them. There are new barriers to voting that were not even considered by the drafters of the Voting Rights Act back in the 1960s, such as:
relocating long - standing polling places weeks before the elections,
placing broken and/or ancient polling machines in polls in people of color neighborhoods,
creating new and odd shaped voting districts that dilute the Black vote,
purging voter rolls using arbitrary criteria,
repeating, cancelling or delaying elections,
implementing voting barriers based on language and mobility.
And some of the old barriers are making a resurgence.

In the meantime, we need to be working on a massive, multi-platform, public education campaign. We need to help people understand that there IS no "under the radar" anymore. Not since Google came out. That the cost of obtaining your state issued ID, a certified copy of your birth certificate and/or naturalization papers is well worth it. But if cost is a real barrier, then we need to fundraise or donate the funds to help everyone be able to identify themselves.

Pay off those old tickets and reinstate your drivers license. Contact the Department of Health or Department of Vital Records in the town where you were born, and buy a certified copy of your birth certificate. Consider contacting your closest Department of State office and apply for your US Passport. You may not be travelling anywhere soon. But a Passport is the ultimate proof of citizenship. We also need to work to support the various re-enfranchisement campaigns that help inmates and former inmates to reinstate their voting privileges. Since a disproportionate number of people of color and poor people are/were inmates, this is a population that needs special attention concerning their voting rights. People who cannot vote, need to be working on their favorite candidate's campaign.

Many state governments such as those in Alabama, Texas and Florida work hard to make it difficult for poor people and people of color to vote. Don't make it easy for you to be stripped of your right to vote in your home state. Get your own paperwork in order. A slight majority (5-4) of the Supreme Court basically decided that the Voting Rights Act worked so well, we don't need it anymore. Lets prove them right!

And Let's Be Careful Out There.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Ahh Spring! The flowers are blooming, the winter coats go into storage and/ or to the Cleaners (for some of us, these are one and the same) and the wedding season is officially on the way. Wedding budget planning is important, even if you are eloping. But financial planning for your marriage is even more important. You may not think you have enough marital assets to plan more than a trip to the grocery store, but considering that financial troubles break up more couples than infidelity, this is a very important topic to discuss. Here are five topics you should discuss with your Hunny before you tie the knot:

A few posts earlier, I discussed pulling your credit reports. This would be a good time to do so. You don't want to have any bad surprises at the car dealership or the mortgage lender after you tie the knot. Today, some employers and rental apartments ask for a credit check as part of a background check. You don't want to be denied employment or a nicer apartment because of your credit report. Especially when you can pull them, review them and correct them for free ahead of time.

If you do have negative credit history, take care of it. Make payment arrangements for any back taxes or child support. Apply for a repayment adjustment for your student loans. Marriage is a big step. Take the small steps first.

Educational loans, car notes and mortgages are usually good types of debt to have. Your education and your real estate are investments and assets that can increase in value over time. A car will decrease in value. But since most people use their cars as transportation to school or work, this is another type of good debt.

However, unsecured debt, such as lines of credit, credit cards and store cards can drag your credit score down and are often used to buy things that decrease in value. Chances are you will still be paying off the original payment and the interest on the shoes you bought on your Macys card, long after the season changes, you stop wearing them and give them to the Goodwill. Reduce your unsecured debt as much as possible before your marriage begins. Pay it down, high interest rate debt first, until you are left with one or two lines of unsecured debt with lower interest rates.

Do either of you have primary custody of minor children? Will they be a part of your household when you get married? How old are they, and are any college-bound? Obviously, there are emotional, discipline and visitation issues that should be discussed. But also take time to agree on the financial arrangements for your children and step-children. Will you need diapers? Childcare? Peanut free food? A Wii? Will your family be eligible for WIC, child support, social security or foster care payments, or financial aid to help with the financial care of the child?

Do either of you have parents who are elderly or ill (mentally or physically)? Were you the one to care for the legal and financial issues for this parent before you got engaged? Will this parent be living in your new household? Will you need diapers? A home health aide? A power of attorney to handle their finances, should they become unable to do so? They may need help with everything from choosing a healthcare plan to putting their money in a trust for their long term care. Children and Parents should be part of the discussion before marriage.

There is no one "correct" way to split your household bills, so long as they are paid regularly and on time. Obviously, housing, food and transportation are the top three priorities in any household, followed by education or job training. You should both have bank accounts with debit card access, so you can pay bills electronically and on line. Also, you should consider the amount of monthly take home pay for each person. If one future spouse is making significantly less income or no income, the higher earning spouse may have to take on a higher percentage of the shared household bills.

You also want to discuss temporary loss of income. The unexpected may happen, health issues, doctor-prescribed bed rest during pregnancy, layoffs, etc. However, future spouses should discuss future PLANNED loss of income. For instance, if you know you will leave the workforce when you have children, or go down to part time when you return to school for your masters degree, or that you will cut your hours when your elderly parent retires, discuss this with your future spouse ahead of time. Again, you want to avoid bad surprises and resentment.

Even if these topics don't seem important in your relationship, the most important thing is to have a discussion, any discussion, about your future finances as a couple. It will make the transition to married life a little easier. Also, if you are the higher earning spouse, remember to be gentle and respectful to your Hunny. This is a time to show your compassion and love. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Let's Be Careful Out There!